Saturday, May 2, 2009

Peace achieved

Alhamdulillah,the peace between two sides have been achieved.We have decided to stop all the quarrel in the name of unity.In the name of one course Environmental Engineering and in the name of one family of 1st year Environmental Engineering 08/09. We want to forget the past and start a new chapter.This peace have been achieved by all the people involved sitting together around a table and discussed.At the end,it is proven that the peace can be achieved by discussing about the on going problems at the discussion table.

It would be good if all the leaders in government and opposition in Malaysia can sit together at a table to discuss to find peace for the benefits of all Malaysians.

Therefore here,the conclusion is we have the 'full stop' of the past and we want to build a new stronger and better with the new feel of friendships, coursemates and family.

Now 1st year alam is a brand new unity course.We love our course..We are going to be an example of Champion of Integration!Love live future Environmental Engineer!

Good luck to all 52 people in the course in this coming EAT 103!

Prove to Cik Masitah and Pn Azian that we can score high!

Now,I would like to appeal anybody who does not involve in this would not make any speculation nor create stories..The past is past..We are united now..1st year United Environmental Engineering Students!